Meet Diane

In April of 1990, Diane set off for Zimbabwe on what was to be a life changing journey. What was meant to be a three-week holiday ended up a five… […]

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Meet Susan

…for more than 20 years she continued to travel while producing fashion photo shoots. Susan has been a safari specialist at African Portfolio since 2020 and is an invaluable member… […]

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Meet Vanessa

…she lives for, and her favorite part is when her clients return and she gets to hear about all the wonderful experiences they had. “There is nothing better than getting… […]

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Meet Victoria

…client isn’t just a job, it’s a journey, from the first telephone call until the trip is completed. For many clients, a safari is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and it is… […]

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Meet Charlene

…to cooking “I only have the kitchen because it came with the house”, which has had a little impact on the quality of our communal office lunches … Luckily her… […]

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Plan Your Safari
1 Your Trip
2 About You