Meet Diane

…how well the infrastructure works, and how overwhelmingly friendly the people are,” she said. With each client, she’s committed to providing a glimpse of what captivated her when she first… […]

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Meet Susan

Susan, was born and raised in California, but ventured from her home town of Santa Barbara to travel the globe working as a fashion model. Her love of travel and… […]

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Meet Vanessa

Vanessa was born and raised in South Africa. On the South Coast near Durban on the Indian Ocean to be exact. As a child her family was always traveling, seeing… […]

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Meet Victoria

…internships with hotels, tour operators, and a destination marketing company promoting Berlin, which led to full time employment including a stint with Visit Britain, the national tourist board. In recent… […]

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Meet Charlene

…She has impeccable attention to detail, is able to handle multiple tasks at one time, knows how to organize and expedite, can manage the competing requests from all of us… […]

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Plan Your Safari
1 Your Trip
2 About You