African Portfolio Photo Contest Rules

African Portfolio Photo Contest Rules

  • You must be the sole owner of the copyright for all images entered.
  • Winning images will be selected by an independent judge.
  • The judge’s decision on all matters relating to the competition is final, and no correspondence will be entered concerning the competition’s judging and organization.
  • Winners will be notified by email by the end of November.
  • The results will be announced on African Portfolio’s social media channels and in our e-newsletter.
  • No employees of African Portfolio may enter the competition.
  • By submitting my entries, I acknowledge and grant African Portfolio the right to use my photo entry for publishing, illustration, advertising, marketing, or for any other use in any medium for any purpose.
  • I acknowledge that photo credit is not guaranteed for all uses of image.
  • I hold African Portfolio harmless from all and any liability that might arise from foregoing use.