Wild Facts

2 min Read February 5, 2010

Wild Facts

Sweaty Hippo
Going on safari is an incredibly enriching experience. Whether it’s your first or your tenth safari, you’ll learn something new and fascinating every time you step outside your room. We at African Portfolio are fortunate to have enjoyed numerous safaris, and thought it would be fun to share some wildlife tidbits with you.

Did You Know …

  • Hippos secrete a natural sunscreen that is colored red and eventually turns brown
  • Baby giraffes drop six feet to the ground when born but manage to stand up just five minutes later
  • Leopards are strong swimmers and sometimes eat fish
  • A lion cub may nurse from other females as well as its mother
  • Warthogs graze on short grass by kneeling down on their padded, hairy knees
  • A Zebra’s stripes are as unique as fingerprints—no two are exactly alike
  • Hyenas are more closely related to cats than dogs
  • Impalas can cover a distance of 10 meters (33 feet) in a single leap
  • An elephant’s trunk contains about 100,000 different muscles
  • Jackal males and females mate for life

savor south africa contest

Amazed, Intrigued, Want to Know More?

Enter our Savor South Africa contest and you’ll be able to see all this with your own eyes. Tintswalo Safari Lodge in the Manyeleti Game Reserve is one of our favorite places to stay on safari in South Africa, and is featured in our contest itinerary. The air-conditioned suites along the banks of the seasonal Nwaswitsontso River provide supreme comfort and privacy, effortless birding, as well as the opportunity to view a large variety of big game right from the deck. The perfect spot to see that amazing elephant trunk in action. The indoor/outdoor showers lead off spacious bathrooms which open out onto a private plunge pool and loungers for relaxing under the African Sun. Ideal for checking out hairy warthog knees.

Tintswalo Safari Lodge

Find out more about Tintswalo …

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